Here are six powerful ingredients to whiten blackened floor joints

If baking soda has not restored the original color of the grout, you can use white vinegar. Pour vinegar into the joints and scrub them with a brush and baking soda.

3. Hydrogen peroxide
If the darkening of the joints is due to mold, mix water and 3% hydrogen peroxide. Spray the mixture on the joints and let it sit for 45 minutes before rinsing.

4. Epsom Salt
Epsom salt is useful for fighting bacteria and restoring whiteness to the grout. Clean the joints with a damp cloth with coarse salt and leave it overnight before rinsing the next day.

5. Borax
Borax, available in supermarkets, is a natural disinfectant and deodorizer. Make a paste with borax and water and use it to clean the joints with a sponge or brush.


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