Homemade Natural Toilet Cleaner, in addition to Six Tips for Cleaning Bathroom Toilets

12 ounces of white vinegar
Baking soda, one tablespoon equal
The juice of one lemon

There are two fresh rosemary sprigs.

How to proceed:

A mixture of white vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice should be mixed together in a container or jar made of glass.

The mixture should be seasoned with the fresh rosemary sprigs.
In order to enable the components to infuse, the jar should be sealed and let to sit for at least twenty-four hours.
The rosemary sprigs should be removed after twenty-four hours, and the fluid should be transferred to a spray bottle.

In order to apply the cleaner, spray it over the surfaces of the toilet, then wait a few minutes before using a toilet brush to scrub it.
Flush the toilet to remove the cleaner and reveal a bowl that is spotless and gleaming with cleanliness.

Six Crucial Tips for Cleaning the Bathroom That You Might Not Know About
Find a Solution to the Water Tank Buildup: By pouring one cup of vinegar to the tank and then flushing it two to three times after allowing it to rest for a while, you can get rid of hard water stains and bacteria accumulation. This action keeps the bowl clean and guarantees that the hygiene will persist for a long time.

Maintaining Your Brush for the Toilet:

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