
This Ratatouille recipe comes together quickly for a fresh weeknight dinner. It’s a light and fresh dish that’s gluten free, vegan, and paleo. Plus, it freezes well – so go ahead and make a double batch! (Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten Free, Paleo, and Whole30 Compliant)

This Ratatouille recipe comes together quickly for a fresh weeknight dinner. It's a light & fresh dish that's gluten free, vegan, and paleo. Plus, it freezes well - so go ahead and make a double batch! 

Granted, this might be the yuppiest thought to have ever been uttered, tied only with “OMG! They’re out of pumpkin spice lattes!” and “Ugh my premium high speed internet is totally only running at the speed of standard,” but can I just ask..what the heck we did before CSAs and farmers markets?

All over the country, small farmers are pulling insanely fresh, plump vegetables out of the ground and off of vines or trees or…wherever one finds vegetables ????‍ (See, this is why I leave the farming to the farmers.)

Anyway, I only mention it because a CSA means you not only get to support these fabulous farmers, but receive, in return, a weekly box full of said freshly picked veggies (and, in some CSAs, fruits too), and do incredible-slash-incredibly-simple things with them, like make the best ratatouille.
Every week, I open my box with big eyes and a hopeful stomach, hoping for another round of the crisp zucchini and juicy cucumbers that were in last week’s box.

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