Removing Black Marks from Dishes

So I went to Walmart and bought some Barkeeper’s Friend. I was willing to give it a try since it was less expensive than buying a new set of dinner plates.

I sprinkled some of the powder on my plate, then used a wet sponge to scrub. What the what?!?! Check it out:

remove black marks from dishes

Those “permanent” black marks disappeared like a bunny in a magician’s hat! I was shocked. Seriously. And I didn’t even have to scrub super hard or anything!

My dishes look new again! I can’t wait for my husband to get home to see if he’ll notice. How could he not, I mean, come on! Look at that sweeeeeeet before-and-after!

how to clean dinner plate black scratches

I have passed up a lot of dishes at thrift stores because they had these scratches all over them. No longer! I’m sure this stuff would work great for cleaning white porcelain sinks too. And I bet it would really help get hard water build up off of drinking glasses. This stuff is magic!

Bar Keeper’s Friend also comes in a soft scrub liquid formula that I think is meant for delicate surfaces. The instructions written on the bottle say to test the product in a hidden area the first time you use it on something, especially if it’s valuable or made of a special material.

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