Using Rice as Orchid Fertilizer: An Eco-Friendly and Economical Solution

Directions: Place one or two teaspoons of raw rice into a small jar or container.
Add water to the rice until it is completely covered.

Give the rice a full day or two to soak in the water.
After discarding the rice grains, strain the rice water into a another container.
Use the same quantity of new water to dilute the strained rice water.

During the growth season (spring and summer), water your orchids once a month with this diluted rice water.

2. Mulch made of rice husk:

Ingredients: Rice husks, raw
Instructions: Cover the potting material for the orchid with a layer of raw rice husks.

Make sure the layer of rice husk is one to two inches thick.

The rice husks will gradually release nutrients into the potting mix as you water your orchids, giving them a steady and continuous supply of nutrition.

3. Compost Rice Bran:


Organic compost; rice bran
Instructions: Combine equal parts organic compost and rice bran.
When repotting or refreshing your orchid, add this combination to the potting media.

By adding vital nutrients to the potting mix, rice bran will support strong orchid development and healthy root growth.

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