Woman loses her husband in a plane crash – Years later she bumps into him and his mother at a local store

Days gone by, and there was no sign of Peter. His phone was switched off and he hadn’t replied to any of Ava’s e-mails. She started losing hope of ever seeing him again, and she was desperate for a closure.

Then, as she was switching through the TV channels, she heard the news that left her in complete shock. A plane crashed and Peter’s name, as well as that of his lover, were on the list of people who were killed. Ava couldn’t believe her ears. Peter was dead. As she was doing her best to come to her senses, someone was at the door. It was Martha, crying and blaming Ava for he son’s passing.

Fast forward to present day, around two years after the tragic incident took place, Ava decided she needed a change, so she took a trip to a nearby city. The afternoon was quiet, so she decided to run groceries, never assuming that her life would change yet again.

As she was reading the label of a product she was hesitant to purchase, she looked around and spotted a familiar face. The man standing not far away from her resembled Peter so much, that her heart started racing. “Peter…” she mumbled, but the man didn’t respond. That resemblance was too striking to be just a coincidence.

With her legs shaking, she decided to go after him, when there, just around one of the aisles, she spotted Martha.
What was happening, how could any of this be true? Ava was in complete disbelief. She yelled Peter’s name, and he turned around. Looking straight at Ava’s eyes, he said, “I can explain everything.”

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